Saturday, March 21, 2009

We Can Save Our Economy

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My solution is simple. Use our need for good health and wellness to overcome our current economic and financial crises. We are paying the price for having to much debt, and neglecting our health. Our health care costs is pulling down the economy and high costs hurt businesses.
We need to use preventative health care through nutrition.
That means setting it up to get everybody to eat healthy and get them to use wellness products, that will provide the vital nutrients that our bodies need to maintain good health and wellness,
There are over 300 diseases linked to vitamin and mineral deficiency, and we are also dehydrated. There are hundreds of diseases linked to that.
We need to build a national network of people using these wellness products to promote good health.
We should set it up as a home business for everyone over age 18.
Everyone spends $100 per month plus tax and shipping to get there products every month. That is a simple $4.00 a day.
Most people spend that drinking coffee, pop, eating donuts, candy and other junk and fast foods.
Everybody should be saving $100 a month anyway, but too many waste it, on things we do not need, and might be harmful to their health.
The government can help pay for those who do not have $100 a month already coming in.
Build a national wealth and wellness network of 5 wide and 10 levels deep. You can also go 6×10, 7×10,8×10, 9×10, or 10×10.
I usually promote a 5×10, or 5×5.

in other words 5 people join and then they all get 5 to join. everybody gets 5 down through 10 levels.

In my example, of 5×5, it would look like this.

You earn a monthly residual income from everybody in your down-line as they but products each month.

10% on level 1 and 5, 8% on levels 2,3 and 4.

5=$40 a month
25=$200 a month
125=$1000 a month
625=$5,000 a month
3125=$30,000 a month

This program can generate a $30,000 per month income for all its members if they work this business plan.
I believe any company can put their current, past and future employees into this plan.

If people are now making $30,000 a month, they will pay off all of their debt, and they will be able to buy new homes, therefore saving the housing crises, they will be able to buy new cars, and save the auto industries.

They will have money to pay for their health care and health insurance, now saving those industries.

They will be able to travel and take vacations, saving the airline, hotel, restaurants and travel industries.

This is a plan I think the nation can use to revive the US and Worldwide economies.

This is a brief overview. There are allot of more was, money can be earned with this program.
Please contact me if you want more information. The bailouts do not seem to be working so far, but I know the 5×5 will work and have a immediate direct impact on human lives.

Best Regards
Tony King

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Economy is Melting Down

The Economy is Melting down.
People are losing jobs.
651,000 people lost their jobs in February.
600,000 people lost their jobs in January.
That is 2 whole cities out of work.
Allot of 401K's deflated.
Thousands of foreclosed homes.
Unemployment is at 8% and climbing.
Gasoline prices came down, but unemployment went up.
Some experts think we are heading into a depression.
Are you in debt?
Is your job or home in jeopardy?
How do you feel about the future?
Crime and violence is still increasing.
Too many people have been living deyond their means for too long.
The economy is influenced by our prosperity. If we fail, the economy will fail. If the economy fails, businesses that depend on it will fail. If the investment markets on Wall Street fails,then peoples retirement and 401k's will vanish.
When people have no retirement, they are forced to depend on federal aide or work.
Because so many people are already out of work, that will swell the unemployment rolls.
The cycle of financial failure is getting bigger and faster.
Unemployment has hit a 25 year high.
Nobody seems to agree how to solve this situation.
There is a crack in the world and it is growing.
Do you feel safe and secure?
Do you feel okay that your kids and grandkids will have a good or bad future?
How do you feel?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

If You Had A Choice, Which Would You Choose?

Hello to you and I hope that you are in good health.
Most people have something here or there to complain about.
We are in a world of stress and that has a negative impact on our health.
When we are not in good health, we do not think as well and we are not able to perform as well as we good if we were 100% in shape and in good health.
Well, I want to show you how you can be healthy and wealthy.
Listen to this info line and look at my website please.
I want all my friends to be healthy and wealthy.
Does that make sense to you?
Why would I want all my friends to be sick and broke?
Do you want all of your friends and relatives to be sick and broke?
I think not.
So if you knew a way to help the people you know and love become healthy and wealthy, wouldn't you want them to know? Wouldn't you tell them?
Well I am trying to do just that.
And if you took the time to read this message, you are considered my friend.
We have a simple plan that you can make well over $30,000 per month believe it or not, but it is true.
Even the ceo of the company says so.
Most people who have to worka job to pay their bills, are not making $30,000 a month.
If they were able to make that much money, they should not have to keep working.
Well we can show you how to make residual income from the comforts of your own home.

Imagine staying home to raise the kids.
Imagine traveling all over the country or world when ever you want, because you are financially free to do so.
No bill collectors hounding you.
You still might have some problems, but poverty and debt will not be among them.
Your biggest problem might be trying to figure out how to spend all that money.

You might say this is too good to be true, and that is ok.
Being wealthy is a dream come true, while being broke and living in poverty is a living nightmare.

If you had a choice, which one would you

Everybody over 18 can make over $30,000 per month in our business.

Everybody over 18 knows over 1000 people.

Can you find 5 people you care about, who you never want to see get a terrible sickness or disease?

Yes you can. Could be your parents, your siblings, your children or grandchildren, could be your uncles and aunts, your neices and nephews, could be your cousins.
How about your friends?

Now show those 5 people how to protect their health by spending $3.00 a day to nourish themselves with super wellness foods instead of eating junk foods.

That's it. Is this not easy or what?
Everybody can do this.
Now think of it as a business and build a network of people protecting their health with wellness foods instead of junk foods.

You and everybody in our network will get 5 people as I said.

5x5=25, 5x25=125, 5x125=625, 5x625=3125,
5x3125=15,625 , 5x15,625=78,125 ,
5x78,125=390,625 , 5x390,625=1,953,125
5x1,953,125=9,765,625 people

This your network through 10 levels if everybody got just 5 people to switch from junk food to our super food.

Now let's get you paid for being healthy.
1. 5=$40 a month
2. 25=$200 a month
3. 125=$1000 a month
4. 625=$5,000 a month
5. 3125=$30,000 a month
6. 15,625=$45,000 a month
7. 78,125=$357,500 a month
8. 390,625=$670,000 a month
9. 1,953,125=$2,232,500 a month
10. 9,765,625=$17,857,500 a month

This is what the 5x5 pays, and this is just one of 7 ways that you can get paid.
Now tell me why this can not work?
You see that level 10 pays over 17 Million per month. That is 214 Million per year.
Not bad when you can join for as low as $25.

Then for $3.00 a day you can build a business like this if you will get 5 who get 5 through 10 levels.

If you had to settle for making just $5,000 per month from home, would that be ok?

I hope you have vision because numbers do not lie. Check my numbers if you will, but I think I got it all right. forgive me if I made a mistake in my calculations.

Now if you can join for $150, and spend $3.00 a day to live and eat healthy, then you can make this kind of money and more just by building a network of 5 getting 5.

Does this now make sense? How many of us could escape poverty and get out of debt if we are making $30,000 a month? How about $5,000 a month?
This opportunity is real and it is not going anywhere.

Just taking the products alone without this awesome compensation plan should be more then enough to make you stay.

When you are healthy and you feel great, whether you be rich or poor, you are glad.
If you are wealthy and sick and suffering from a terrible disease, how can you enjoy

$17 Million a month will set your family financial free for hundreds of years, and they will always remember what you did.

I want all my friends and relatives to be healthy and wealthy, and with this kind of money, they all can be.

God Bless

Hello Future Millionaires, Are You Feeling Lucky

Hello future millionaires, how are you?
Are you jumping from business opportunity to business opportunity, looking for something that really works?
Are you in debt, dead broke and tired of living pay check to pay check?
Well have we got something for you.
Have you seen my webpage and website yet?
If you have, then what are you waiting for? Join. For $25, you get the best opportunity to go from rags to riches, and all you have to do is protect your health with nutrition and help others do the same. How much sense does that make?
Some people are excited about saving gas, well saving gas does not excite me, but saving people does.
I want to save you and your family from poverty and disease.
We can do that in our business.
Your health should be your priority, because without it you have nothing.
You can be wealthy and too sick to enjoy it.
What kind of life is that?
How many times do you have to be told before you take action?
We are giving you the opportuniy of a lifetime.
A chance to be healthy and wealthy.
Can you help 5 people you care about get out of poverty right now in your current situation?
Can your friends help you get out of poverty in their situations?
Well, what are your plans for the future.
In case you have not noticed, the price of every thing is getting higher, but the value of the dollar is going down.
That means we are all falling further behind on our bills and deeper into debt.
Are you in or on your way to being in poverty. What do you consider to be poverty?
In my opinion, if you can not afford to go where you want, do what you want, buy what you want, you are living in poverty.
There are different levels of poverty.
We want to pull everybody out of all levels of poverty.
I keep saying this over and over again.
People are falling like flies everywhere you look from sickness and disease.
Are you going to be one of them.
Does dying young from poverty and disease seem appealing to you?
Is what you do now going to protect you from an early grave?
If you are not satisfied and you want more out of life, why are you not taking action?
Action speaks louder then words and it goes along way and it can make a huge difference.
Do you know what you want out of life?
Some people do not have a clue about their future.
What do you plan to be doing it the next 5, 10, 15 or 20 years?
What you do today will determine your future.
Will your future be grim and full of gloom and doom?
Or will you take advantage of an opportunity to change your life and bring wealth to your children and future decendants?
The oportunity is here and now, and it waiting for you to take advantage.
Anybody over 18 is eligible to join and go on the fast track to wealth.
All you have to do is believe enough to check out the information for yourself.
I am looking to help all who ask, but it is up to them to take advantage.
Anybody can go from rags to riches by taking action.
Now I ask you again, Is anybody ready to go from Rags to Riches?

God Bless you
You are entitled to earn $30,000 per month
if you join our 5x5 plan.
God Bless


How To Stay Young

We all need to read this one over and over until it becomes part of who we are


1. Try everything twice. On Madam's (of Whelan's and Madam) tombstone she wanted this epitaph: Tried everything twice...loved it both times !

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down (keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches).

3. Keep learning: Learn more about computers, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain get idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's!

4.Enjoy the simple things. (Ice cream, good movies, chocolate, more ice cream, more chocolate)

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with that person.

6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with you your entire life is you. Lost time can never be found. LIVE while you are alive. Do I hear a LOUD AMEN?

7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county, or a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people you love that you love them at every opportunity. I love you, my special friend.

11. Forgive now those who made you cry. You might not get a second time.

12. Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

Looking for spoilers and reviews on the new TV season? Get AOL's ultimate guide to fall TV.

Turn $100 into Thousands

As long as you are alive you have an opportunity to be wealthy.
If you make at least $100 per month from any source, you can turn that into a $30,000 per month income from home.

If you have worked a job for more then 20 years and you still are in debt, it is time to make some changes.

If you went to college and still owe money on college loans and debt, it's time to make some chances.

If you have bad credit and just can not improve your situation, no matter what you do, it's time to make some changes.

If you like most people in the US are overweight or obese, it's time to make some changes.

If you really want to pull yourself out of poverty and debt, then it's time to make some changes.

Is does not matter what you are doing now with your current job or business, it's time to make some changes.

We want to show you how $3.00 a day and protecting your health by trading the junk food you love to eat everyday over to eating super nutritional health foods can change your life.
Get you out of debt, pull you out of poverty, make you financially free.

We are spending all of our money now in ways that are making us sick, fat and broke.

We are paying debt that never ends, because of interests and finance charges.

We ignor our health and it is sending us to early graves, sick, fat and broke.

Well I want to say, that it's time to make some serious changes.

You can make $30,000 a month by changing the way you think and the way you eat.

If any of this makes sense to you, please make these changes before it is too late. The best investment you could ever make is in yourself.


Spend $3.00 per day and make $30,000 per month in our 5x10 business plan.

The Person In Your Mirror

The Person in Your Mirror?
Are you satisfied with the man or woman in your mirror?

Is who you see what you want to be?

I used to dread looking into a mirror because I did not like who was looking back at me.

The man in my mirror was sick and broke and unable to escape poverty, debt, insomnia, stress, anxiety, and pain.

It showed up everytime I saw that face in the mirror looking out at me.

I saw pain, I saw fear, I saw sadness and anger depression and they were ugly.

Looking in the mirror just remided me how bad things really were.

I can not see my own face, I can only see a reflection.

The reflecton was not what I had hoped it would be.

The man in my mirror was not a happy man at all.
I think he was disappointed in the things he saw going on with me.

I had to realize I was letting that person down and I needed to do more to turn things around.

The man in the mirror is trapped inside and can never get out, but I can change things for him myself.

Now I do have a shadow who follows me where ever I go.

Sometimes I can see it, and other times it just lays low and stays out of site.

My shadow does not speak, but does move.

I can not make it go away, but I take it everywhere I go.

If I do good my shadow is there doing it too.
If I decide to do bad, then my shadow is doing it too.

If I get busted and I get sent to prison, I won't be alone, my shadow will have to go too.

Am I being a good example for my shadow?

Unlike the man in my mirror, I can not see my shadow's face.

I know he has everything I have if I look at it, put I can not see if he is my identical like the man in my mirror.
My shadow is black, and it never says anything.
It just keeps following me everywhere I go.

They say we have a soul and a spirit that we can not see.

Along with our shadow, they follow us where ever we

I wonder if my conscience is the same as my spirit or is it my soul?

Maybe that is another identity all together.

We think we are alone, but aparently we are a group, because I believe the Holy Spirit is within me, Jesus Christ is in me, and God the Father is in me too.

It is getting very crowded now.

I need extra help to keep the devil and his demons out of my mind, and away from my body.

I have my body, my shadow, my spirit and my soul, I also have my God the Father, Jesus the Son of God and the Holy Spirit inside me too.

I need all the protection I can get.

Alone I am too weak to win this war between good and evil.

Now add the man in my mirror, oh I forgot to mention my guardian angels who also follows me and protects me from harm.

I do not have to pay for all of this protection I am getting from this holy entourage.

Not only do I have these crowds all day an all night, I get others involved if I fall asleep and have dreams.

There might be several new persons I am interacting with in my dreams.

Now I am assuming that my internal family is there too.

I think in my dreams, my stalkers are trying to get me to improve myself.

My stalkers are not bad, they are good stalkers, some from Heaven, some from birth.

They will not hurt me or desert me, and they know every breath I take and move I make.

How can I ever feel lonely knowing I have love this great watching out for me?

I can tell the man in the mirror that everything will be ok.

I have my invisible body guards and supporters helping me to overcome the negative barriers in this life.

If I use my free will to do good, I will excell in all that is good.

My Heavenly stalkers are gonna make sure that I do fine.

Now when I look at the man in my mirror, I see a smiling face and that makes me feel good.

Now I love what I see, and what I see loves me.

Now how about you, do you like what you see in your mirrors?

Financial Success and Freedom Awaits You

Financial Success and Freedom Awaits You!

Debt is like a disease that can destroy.

Many people are in debt, too many are on their way to bankruptcy or financial ruin.

Are you behind on your monthly bills?

Have you noticed that the price of gas continues to climb higher and higher?

Food and the cost of living also continues to climb along with gasoline prices.

These are things that we can not control.

Spending we do control however.

Have you ever did a budget just to inventory your spending?

Most people will find that they are wasting money.

Every year the value of the all mighty dollar decreases. This means it will take more money to buy the items you want.
Do you remember when bread was less then a dollar, and so was milk, cereal, candy, pop?
I remember gasoline being 69 cents a gallon back in 1984.
Now what is it? $2.79 a gallon for the cheap stuff.
Inflation will continue.

Now if you are living in debt, inflation will destroy you.
If your income does not increase, you will be in trouble.

If you fall behind on your monthly payments to credit card companies, you get punished with late fees, high interest rates, over limit fees, and God knows what all else.
They love for this to happen, because this is how they make there money of of us.

Some poor souls are having there paycheck garnished.

People lose their jobs or quit sometimes because of this heavy burden placed on their employers.

Employers hate too collect payments from it's employees for bill collectors.

Then there is child support and Alimony payments, and delinquint college loans.

All of the above can drive most people into an early grave.

People have killed themselves or other people because of stress brought on by debt.

Crime is connected to poverty and debt.

Not everyone in debt, living with bad credit or in poverty will commt crime, but some will.

One criminal is a danger and threat to all mankind.

Why not get to the root of the problem?

Get people out of debt!

When people get out of debt, they can improve their credit.
Sometimes bad credit can prevent you from getting a great job or career.

Knowledge is power, and using it wisely can carry you a very long way.

There are not enough jobs for every man and woman anyway.

Some jobs require special education, skills and trainings that many people just do not have.

So many high school graduates leave school each year lacking basic job skills.
They do not know what they want to do with their lives.

They are targets for the credit card companies and the fast cash loan companies.
Cellphone companies also can get you hooked on debt early.
Everybody thinks they must have a cellphone these days.

The utility companies are taking most of our money, then come the rest.

How much money are we keeping from our paychecks if we even have a job?

We do not save money, we make and spend it as fast as we get it.

We go into debt spending money we do not have.

Do you agree with any of this information?

I say there is a way to turn your situations around.

You must change the way you think.
What you have been taught up to now is why you are in the situations that you are in, with no way out.

Many people like to drink adult beverages, and allot like to have there cigarettes, others like their donuts, coffee, pop, candy, drugs, or whatever habits satisfy us.

It is these types of things that keep people trapped into their situations.

If you feel you must do or have these things , it will be very difficult to change your thinking.
Most of those previously mentioned things are mind altering. Some are extremely addictive.

Some people can't stop spending money or gambling.

It is hard to save money and spend money at the same time.

The key is to spend money on things that will make more money.

Invest your money wisely, and make your money work for you.

If you spend $3.00 every day on junk foods like so many people do, you are spending about $100 per month or more.
That is $1200 per year, and $36.000 in 30 years.
That is allot of money spent eating junk that can make you fat and even sick.
What if you had $36,000 in the bank?
50 years ago that was allot of money.
In 50 years $36,000 will seem like nothing because of inflation.

We need to change our spending habits yesterday.

Here is a plan.
Spend that $3.00 a day on protecting your health and future.

Build a network of people who want to do the same.
Here we will do 5 people.
Everyone will get 5 partners.
You will buy wellness products each month for $100, that is your investment.
You can use it for your own health, or sell it or give it to others.
Who ever uses it will benefit healthwise.

Everyone will do the same.

You earn income as a result of the business of promoting health.

From your intitial 5, you get $40 back.
Are you getting $40 from bank each month now?
If you put that $100 in the bank each month, you might get $4.00 if you are lucky.
The banks invest yur money to make more money for themselves.
We keep letting them do that every month. Why? We should invest ourselves.

Now your 5 get 5, so that you now have 25 people added to yor network.

They also spend $3.00 a day just like you did.
Now you get a percentage of they business. 8% or $6.40 or each person each month.
That will be 25x$6.40=$160
Now you are making $200 a month or $6.00 a day and your products are now free.

Can you see what is happening here?
You have created a successful business.
You are getting wellness products that are great, and you are getting them for free with a profit already.

Now help your 5 do the same.
When the 25 get 5, 5x25=125 new people in your network.

You will now earn 125x$6.40 for each person spending $3.00.
You will make $1,000 per month.

This is enough money to start paying down your bills and getting out of debt.

Help your network grow.
When the 125 people get 5, 125x5=625 new people in your network

Everyone has the same goals to spend $3.00 towards health and future wealth.

625x$6.40 You will make $5,000 per month
This will go towards getting out of your debt, and repairing your damaged credit.

Keep your business growing and bring in new partners. You don't hae to stop at 5, you can bring in 100, 1000.
The more people you bring in, the faster you will move and the more money you will make.

625x5=3,125 people x 10% or $8.00
You will make over $30,000 per month

You should be out of debt after this, if not you will soon be.

All you did was spend $25 to join.
Got 5 people to join.
Spent $100 each month on your wellness and future.
Those 5 got 5 who did the same through 5 levels and you could make $30,000 a month and escape debt and poverty.

The company is 8 years old and not going anywhere.

Why are you or anyone you know continuing to drown in endless debt or poverty, when there is a solution to your financial situations?

Change you mind, change your actions, change your life.

Let us show you the way.

8 Weeks until Mother's Day

Making Mothers Wealthy Mothers for Mother's Day
Hello Men.

Mothers' Day is less then a month away.

What did you do for mom last Mother's Day?

Is she healthier and wealthier then last year?

Or is she sicker and broker then last year?

Does mom lean on you for support?

Or does mom talk about you because of your lack of support?

Are you a dad, a son, a grandson, or great grandson, a nephew, or uncle?

Are you raising a family?

Are you and your family having prosperity, or do you suffer poverty?

Most people are in serious debt and on the brink of bankruptcy or financial ruin.

99% will die broke.

If you live in poverty, who's fault is it?

Do you make your woman work, while you play?

Are your kids getting raised in a home full of peace and love?

Is mom the head of your households?

So many woman are raising kids on their own these days.

Mothers deserve high praise and honor for the jobs they do.

Kids today are different because they are not getting a complete family life.

The cycle is repeating itself over and over again.

More and more children being born to single mothers.

Single mothers raising kids alone, will more likely live in poverty.

Poverty leads to crime, sickness and disease.

Kids float through school but many fail to learn a skill or trade to give them a future.

Allot of them drop out, some run away from home and end up selling drugs or enter prostitution.

Most kids today just want to be cool.
They do not focus on their futures, because they don't think they have one.

All they think about is cellphones, cds, wearing baggy bags that hang to the floor and giant white undershirts.
Well they used to be undershirts way back when.

Braided hair, tatooes, ear rings, and dirty language are the norm these days.

Fads come and go, but where is your mindset?

What are your kids doing when you are not around?

Are they having underage sex, doing drugs or underage drinking and partying?

You'de be shocked to really know what all is going on.

Mothers need help in setting the kids on the right path.

If you pull mommy out of poverty, her kids will leave poverty too.

If you show mommy how saving $3.00 a day will hel her and her kids generate great wealth in the future, the future will change from gloom and doom to fame and fortunes.

It starts with the moms.
Everybody had a mom.
Poor moms, means poor kids.
Poor kids mean more crime.
Crime hurts everybody.
Look at the disturbed young man in Virgina who was pushed over the edge and lost control.

He went down willingly, but took 32 innocent lives with him.

Who knows how many more disturbed people are out there waiting to explode like ticking time bombs.

We must pull moms and the kids out of poverty.

Dads it's your jobs to lead the way.

Between now and Mother's Day you can make a difference.

If you owe child support, it is your responsibilty to take care of business.

Many Moms are in poverty because of Dads who have not done their part.

Moms are forced to work and pay someone else to watch her kids.
Baby sitters are very expensive.

Mommy is going into debt, trying to put food on the table.

Many moms end up on welfare, food stamps and section 8.
The puplic's taxes then have to pay to help raise all of these families.

Many men must take the blames.

Babies need men to be conceived.
Babies need men to be
Dads too,that means giving 100% of your time and financial support.

There is a way to pull dads out of poverty too, it is dads who must wake up and lead the way.

The way of this world depends on men and what we do.

If we do nothing, then nothing will change.

Poverty, crime, sickness and disease will multiply with each generation.

Pull mothers out of poverty and debt this Mothers Day and watch the future of our children improve 100 %.

8 Weeks until Mother's Day.

Best Regards

Too Many bad things going on everyday

Too Many Negatives and Not Enough Positive Events Going On, What Do You Think?

Hello friends, I hope you had a nice Easter.
We are having a very strange Spring aren't we.
It seems that our weather is reacting to the signs of the times.
Today as I write this message there is snow on the ground in much of the country.
Now we have no control of the weather, but we do have control of our futures.
People have life storms such as sickness, disease, poverty and debt.
Please tell me what you think.
Do you have hope or do you feel hopeless and helpless?

As of 2007, most people have anyone if not all of the above problems going on in their lives.
If you don't think you have any problems, just keep on living.
I am a witness to poverty, debt, sickness and disease.
I have suffered and seen several close friends suffer and some even died.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, don't you agree?
How can anyone enjoy life, when they are suffering with everyday hunger because they are too poor or in debt to buy the food they need.
Without food we suffer malnutrition and that leads to sickness, diseases and early death.
So do you agree that poverty and debt can lead to sickness, disease and debt?
People who are starving will usually turn to crime to survive.
If we don't stop poverty, we won't stop crime.
Crime can lead a person to sickness, disease, debt, poverty and death too.
Heroin, crack, cocaine, crystal meth and even alcohol has destroyed many lives.
People who lose hope will do almost anything to satisfy there addictions and desires.

We must set positive goals to achieve positive outcomes and results.

The 5x5 plan I keep telling everyone about is my plan to defeat poverty, crime, sickness and debt.

We can't stop death, but together we can slow it down.
People should only die from old age.
Old age being at least 120 and healthy.

Who wants to live to be 120 with sickness, pain and diseases?

Everybody over 18 knows at least 1,000 people.

So if we get 5 people to lead the 5x5, each person has connections to at least 1,000 each. That is 5,000 people.
We are looking for 25 out of 5,000 people.

If those 5 follow the plan and get 5 each, there will be 25 new people who have their own 1,000 contacts.
That is 25,000 contacts total.
We are now looking for 125 out of 25,000 people to join.

If those 25 people do their jobs and get just 5 out of 1,000, they will bring in 125 new partners.

125 people with 1,000 contacts each is 125,000 contacts.
We are looking for 625 out of 125,000 people. Everybody is looking for at least 5 people out of 1,000.
If we are successful in finding 625 people who want a better life, they will bring 625,000 new contacts.

I hope I have not lost anyone so far.

If the 625 get 5 each, do the math.
They will bring in 3,125 new people with 3,125,000 contacts.
Everybody getting 5 will grow from 3125 to 15,625 new people and 15,625,000 new contacts.

The plan calls for every person to invest $3.00 a day or $100 in their own health each month.

Most people spend more then that everyday eating junk food and drinking things that are harmful to our health and our bodies.

Sickness and disease is not an accident, it is the result of poor health and eating habits.

The sooner we realize and understand this, the better off we will be.

Most people will go to their graves never
understanding this.

If we ate bad things, bad things will happen to us.

We want to build the 5x5 network to educate people.

The 5x5 will make them healthy and wealthy in many ways.

You do not have to be a college graduate or even a high school graduate to succeed in our 5x5. You just need to get 5 people who want to be healthy and wealthy.

Here again is the plan.

5=$40 a month
25=$200 a month
125=$1,000 a month
625=$5,000 a month
3125=$30,000 a month
15,625=$45,000 a month

If everybody got there 5 in 30 days and this went on for 5 months, you would have 3125 people and $30,000 a month income.

Use the 5x5 as a second saving account, except this time you will make real money just by referring other people to join.

Is your bank paying you $40 to $30,000 per month just to refer others to bank there? NO WAY

Set it up as your kids college fund, or your retirement fund.
Are you paying more then $100 per month now on auto insurance, health insurance, dental insurance, accident insurance, food, gas, utilities, rent, mortgage?

How much money are you making from your internet, telephone, cable, satellite,
cellphone, lights, gas, water bills each month. $0.00

I did not even mention the credit card companies.

How much money are they making off of you?

So many people are in deep debt.

So many people are getting their wages garnished.

So many men are going to jail for failure to pay child support.

Debt has lead to much crime, sickness, poverty, depression, insomnia, disease and death.

These are all the plagues of today.

The 5x5 will overcome todays plagues.

Are yo willing to sit and let these plagues overcome you and your families?

I hope not.

Please join our 5x5 plan and pull your friends out of poverty and debt.

I will help you to understand whatever you need to know and do.

You have nothing to lose from being healthy and wealthy if you just give it a try.

The plagues offer us nothing positive to look forwards to.

If you live near by, I want to have you over for a health and wealth workout.

We can get your body on the road to wellness and weight control.

Call it mini boot camp.

Tell me what day and time will be good for you.

When you look at your body and feel the health improvements, you can't help from wanting to tell others. Others will notice the changes and improvements in your health and appearance.

Stop premature aging and join the fountain of youth.

Come and drink magnetic water
Come and get a magnetic massage
Come and get a total body workout.
This is only the beginning.

We want to set up a Health and Wellness Spa event soon.

Let me know if you want to provide massage, reflexology or reiki treatments at these events.

Let me know if you want to receive these treatments.

Everybody deserves to be pampered and treated like a king or queen at least once in their lives, don't you agree?

There is allot of negative and not enough positive events going on.

We are about creating positive people using positive events.

The 5x5 is Positive

Poverty, debt, crime, sickness and disease are all negative events.

Please tell me what you think.

God Bless
Tony King

750,000 Homeles People in the US used to be Shocking

750,000 homeless people in the US used to be shocking

750,000 homeless in U.S.
Emergency shelters near capacity
WASHINGTON - The nation has three-quarters of a million homeless people, filling emergency shelters through the year and spilling into special seasonal shelters in the coldest months, the government said Wednesday.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development estimated there were 754,000 homeless people in 2005, including those living in shelters, transitional housing and on the street. That's about 300,000 more people than available beds in shelters and transitional housing.

"Understanding homelessness is a necessary step to ending it, especially for those persons living with a chronic condition such as mental illness, an addiction, or a physical disability,"

Nearly half were single adult men.
Nearly a quarter were minors.
Less than 2 percent were older than 65.
About 59 percent were members of minority groups.
About 45 percent were black.
About a quarter had a disability, though experts said the percentage is probably much higher.

Emergency shelters are more than 90 percent full on average nights, the report said. They would be over capacity if not for seasonal shelters.
By comparison, less than three-quarters of transitional housing units for families are occupied on an average night.
Shifting resources

"We ought to be looking for ways to move people from shelters into permanent housing,"

"Building shelter beds doesn't result in these people being housed,"

Some of these people can not break out of this terrible situation.

It will take a change in direction and bold action to pull these people out of povety and out of debt.

If there were 754,000 homeless people in 2005, how nany do we now have in 2007?

Many of these are homeless veterans.

Are you or someone that you know homeless now or on your way to becoming homeless in the future if your life situation does not improve?

We think we can save the day and pull thousands of people out of poverty and debt.

The current economy and system is not working.

If they were, then things would not be as bad as they are.

Let me know if you want to be apart of the new deal that brings health and wealth to the masses.


Do You Need Any Help?

Do You Need Any Help?

Do You Need Any Help?

It is tax season and some of us will get refunds, but others of us will not.

Do you have to pay extra every year?

Are you in garnishment and having your wages attached everywhere you go?

Many people are suffering from this terrible situation every year.

It is hard enough to find a good paying job, but to have much of your check taken away to pay late taxes is devastating.

It can be embarrasing to.

I have had my income tax refund taken to pay off old government debt too.
Man was I angry. I waited all year for that money, and never got it.
It is a very bad situation.

Now for people getting garnished because of back taxes, can be very stressful and cause more poverty and debt.

If you are in debt, how can you ever get out of it if you never make enough money?

Situation is similar for anyone having to payback old student loans.

Now if you have to pay child support and or alimony, that is more debt.

You need a college degree these days to compete for a higher paying job.

It now costs over $10,000 per year on the low side just to go to college.

How many people just out of high school can afford it? Not too many.

How many people have to get on the waiting list for section 8 or public housing?

How many people have to apply of food stamps every year.

Do you know there are over 500,000 homeless veterans out there?

That is insanity.

The gap is getting wider between the rich and the poor, the have's and the have nots.

Are you one of the many millions falling victim to debt and poverty and becoming a higher risk of sickness and disease?

It is no accident that diseases of many types are taking over and wiping out so man people.

Disease destroys the weak.
If you are in poverty or debt, you are in a weakend state.

You might no think properly and therefore might not take proper care of personal hygiene or eat healthy.

Many people get sick and die just becuse they never drank enough water.

4 days in the desert with out a drink of water and you will probably die.

We can live longer without food, but still starvation will klll in time.

Many people do not eat right now and never get the right amount of vitamins and minerals in their daily food.
This too is slow starvation, it might take several years because it is disease that will cause death.
There are over 200 diseases connected to dehydration and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Most people are dehydrated and deficient.

If you are living in debt and poverty your risk of health problmes multiply.

Whatever your situaton is, we want to help you resolve it.

Our theme and motto is healthy and wealthy.

We want to make you healthy with proper nutritionals and we want to make you wealthy by introducing others.

We just need to commit $3.00 a day, which is just $100 per month.

This is $100 a month to invest in your health and welfare.

Youmust save $100 a month if you want to have any money in the future anyway.

Do you stick $100 a month into the bank?

That same $100 can make you wealthy if you use it properly.

The bank is making money off of your $100 every month.

What are you getting? Nothing.

Now many people eat junk food everyday.
More then $3.00 a day I bet.

We want you too see how the same $3.00 junk food habit can be used to pull you and your family out of debt and poverty, make ou healthy and wealthy.

Knowledge is power and you must be wise if ou ever plan to escape poverty and debt.

Many people are trapped and will never get out. Now you can if you take our advice serious and follow it.

Do you have any will power?

You will need will power, committment, desire, determination, and motivation to succeed.

But first you must believe it.
If you do not belive that you can make $30,000 a month, you not do the things that is required.

Here is what is required, now do you think you have the wil poer to stay committed to i?

Join our business, get on autoship and find 5 people who will do the same.
You will be building a network of people who want to be healthy and wealthy.

Our plan is for everybody to get at least 5 people each.

You will get on autoship to get the products at the lowest cost, and when you refer 5 proplr, you will earn an override ceck each month.

You need the products to stay healthy, so you just swtch your $3.00 a day junk food habit towards this instead.

If you do not buy junk food, then you can switch your $100 a month bank acount over to cover yur health and wellness.

You will make $8.00 for each direct referral and $6.40 for each indirect referral through 4 levels. On level 5 you will get $8.00 for ach indirect referral.

You can control your outcome and increase your income.

You You
5=$40 a month 10=$80 a month
25=$200 a month 100=$720 a month
125=$1000 1000=$7,100
625=$5,000 10,000=$71,000
3125=$30,000 100,000=$710,000

A 5x5 pays up to $30,000 a month, while a 10x5 pays up to $710,000 per month.

When you have 30 people on autoship, your monthly products will be free in the 5x5. You just need 12 people on autoship in the 10x5 and your products are free because of your residual income check each month.

I am looking to help anyone to understand this plan.

We are $3.00 away from wealth.

Anyone over 18 can make $30,000 a month and escape poverty and debt.

Now are your wages being garnished?
Do you want to get out of debt and poverty?
Do you want to go to a good college?

Are you ready to retire healthy, wealthy and young?

I want you to know that you CAN.
Just join us and make it happen for you.

You do not have to stay broke, poor, in debt or poverty.

Are You Ready For Another Spring?

Are you ready for another Spring?

Hello friends, Are you ready for another Spring?

How was Valentine's Day? Did you buy that special love gift for that special someone?

If not, why? Was it because of your financial situation and the lack of sufficient financial resources?
In other words you were too broke to buy what you really wanted.

How was your Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday?

It is Lent season again as we approach the Easter holiday once again. Wasn't it just Christmas?

How did your Christmas season go?
Did you fall deeper into debt this time?
Will you beable to retire yor debt this year?

Time is moving on and waits for no one.

What are you doing with your time?
Are you wasting time or are you doing something positive and productive with your time?

Daylight savings time is less then 3 weeks away and Spring is less then 4 weeks away.
It has been a very rough Winter so far this year.

Are you doing better then you were last year at this time or worse?

I am reaching out to see just how life is treating you.

If you have no problems and no troubles, then you are in a rare group.

Most people have something to worry or complain about.
How is your health and your body?
Are you happy with your body and weight?

Many things that can be resolved, but are not because of lack of awareness and lack of knowledge.
Knowlegde is power, and if you use it wisely, you can do great things.

Do you have a college degree or a high IQ?

How would you know how to read or write if you had never been taught?

To speak another language, you must be taught.

To learn how to be an electronics technician, you must be taught.
You also have to understand science, math and english.

I went to school in the military to become an electronics technician and it took a long time and the classes were often tough, but thank God I completed it.
Allot of people dropped out along the way.
I went on to work in electronics for 24 years.

Babies learn to talk when they hear other people talking.

If your kids hang around people who commit crimes, they will learn about commiting crime and might someday commit crime.

Unless they are taught otherwise.
Kids want to do what they see others do.

The kids today are in danger of falling into crime, drugs and premarital sex unless taught otherwise.

What are you teaching or telling your kids?

Every Spring neans high school proms and graduation.
Millions of more 17, 18 and 19 year old people will leave high school life and either go on the college life or attempt to enter the work force.

Some will join the armed forces and could end up going into the current wars overseas.

Some might die, while many more get wounded or become disabled. The fortunate ones are able to survive unharmed.

For those who end up unemployed or even homeless, we must give them hope of a better life.

These are our sons and daughter, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, uncles and aunts, neices and nephews,
grandsons and grandaughters, grandmothers and grandfathers, cousins, friends, and neighbors.

How do you really feel about the way things are going?
If you don't like what you see, and think things should be better, let me know what you want to see different.

Winter is half over, and Spring is right around the corner.
Are you ready?


We Must Get Out Of Debt

We Must Get Out Of Debt

Hello Friends.

Are you in debt? Most people are, and they can't seem to get out.

Being in debt is like being in quicksand, the more you squiggle and squirm, the deeper you sink.

Do you know that the value of the dollar keeps decreasing every year?

That is one reason the price of everything keeps getting higher each year.

If you are late on your payments, or you are over your limit, you get punished and hit with fees that only make ou deeper in debt.

You brought these companies your business, but as soon as you fall behind on paying them the money they want, they turn against you.

They can ruin your credit history and your life. Is that right?

Many of them practically beg you to buy from them, but all they want is your money.

Sometimes they will even trick us.

People with money have power, and they will do everything they can to get your money and take away our power.

When you fall into debt, you lose your power and become a slave to the people you owe.

In the old days, they could thow you into debtors prison.
Now they just harrass and embarras you, destroy your credit and make your life hell.

Because of greed, we put ouselves at risk of falling into debt.

We feel we must keep up with the new styles and fashions of the time. If your friends have it, you must have it too, or something better. We buy things we do not need. We spend our money foolishly.

These companies know this, and they take full advantage of it.

We are hungry little fish waiting to sink our teeth into anything and everything.

We start of owing a little, but end up owing allot.

Sit and write down where all your money is going.

We spend more then we save.

If our income and networh does not increse each year, we will fall further behind on our bills.
Debt can lead us into poverty, if we are not there already.

There are different levels of poverty of course.

Poverty and debt are not good things for anyone.

Children are suffering if they have parents living in poverty and debt.

Are your kids every hungry?

Are you giving them the life they deserve?

Are you a deadbeat dad?
Are you a single mom?

Are your kids out of control?

Are you raising them right?

Are you working, but still trapped in poverty or debt like most people?

Do you feel like you are in quicksand?

Has everything you tried failed?

Are you now ready to change your life?

Do you understand to change your outcome, you must change your income?

Will an extra $1000 a month help you?

How about $5,000 a month or more?

Would $30,000 a month, change your situation?

Most people can not believe that they can make an extra $10,000 a year.

It is the mindset of the poor.

To be wealthy means first believing it can happen for you.

If you never do the things that make you wealthy, you will never be wealthy.

We instead keep doing things that keep us in debt and puts us and our children in poverty.

Children who grow up in poverty are at risk of crime and violence.

Anyone in poverty is at higher risk of sickness and disease.

Does any of this make sense?

We want to pull people out of debt and poverty.

Now do you want to get out of debt and poverty?

Please let us know if you want us to help you get out, before it is too late.

Best Regards

What If You Were Wealthy?

What If You Were Wealthy?

Allot of people are in debt. They spend most of their income paying
the bill collectors.
Most people live at or just below the poverty level.
Most People do not think they will ever make more then $10,000 above
what they already make.
When people do not have any money, they are limited to the things
they can buy.
If people had more money, what would they do with it?
Let's pretend 100 people went to bed $100,000 in debt, but woke up as
What would you do if you were now a millionaire?
Some of them will buy a new car or 2.
Some of them will buy a new house.
Some of them will buy new clothes.
Some of them will use the money to pay off their debts.
Some of them will send their kids to college.
Some of them will go on vacation.
Some of them will put their kids in private school.
Some of them will give to their church or favorite charity.
Some of them will help family and friends.
Some of them will buy new computers, dvd's, cd's,
vcr's,cellphones,TV's and the list goes on and on and on
Some of them will invest in stocks and bonds, and other money making
Some of them will buy all the things that they could not buy when
they were poor and in debt.
Now if 100 people did all that we just mentioned, how many other
people will benefit?
Plenty. Somebody has to build these new houses, cars, computers,
ceelphones and all the new things these people will buy.
That means jobs. The housing industry will boom and the carpenters,
electritions, plumbers and real estate people are happy.
Somebody has to deliver all of the construction material, so the
trucking industry is booming and so is the contstuction material
industry and the tools used in construction. Jobs are being created
to handle this boom.
Same thing at the automobile manufactureres. More jobs, people
needed to make the cars, trucks, vans and SUVs. The auto industry is
same applies for the companies who sales, delivers and makes the
cellphones, dvds,cds,vcrs.clothes, shoes, and everything else these
100 millionaires will buy.
The travel industry will boom, because these millionareis want to
travel the world and see places they could not afford to see when
they were poor.
The hotel and restuarant, airlines and cruise industries will boom.
More jobs, people needed to run the hotels, restuarants, and all that
is involved.
Now as all these industries are now booming, jobs are created, people
are finding work and making good money.
These people will generate more revenues for their cities, counties,
state and federal governments. More tax revenures from sales taxes
and income taxes, as people earn more income.
As the governments gain more revenue, they can pay higher wages to
the employees and hire more people too.
More money for schools, hospitals, public infrastructure, better
roads, and bridges, more parks, cleaner air, and water. Everyone
Grocery store and department stores sales will increase, because more
people have more money to spend now. They stores can hire more people
and pay higher wages.
More people working means more people buying new homes, new cars, and
the cycle continues.
All this from 100 new people becomining wealthy, causes a chain
reaction of success for millions of people.
So you should want to do everything you can to become wealthy, so you
not only help your family, you will help everybody in the world to
Even 1 millionaire can set the chain into action.
If everybody is in poverty and in debt, we all suffer.
If anybody becomes wealthy, we will all benefit sooner or later.
The more millionaires we create, the more people that can benefit
from the actions created.
I hope this makes sense to anyone who is living in poverty.
If you know anyone trying to do something to become wealthy, please
help them, because the whole world will reap the eventual benefits.

Now if you really want to be wealthy, check out my website, listen to the infoline at 1-512-703-6116 and send me a message telling me why you want to be wealthy.
If you are serious we will help you get there.
God Bless

Don't You Want To Be Wealthy?

Do You Want To Be Wealthy, Yes or No?

Do You Want To Be Wealthy, Yes or No?
Hello everybody, How are you?
I hope you are in good health and all is going well in your life. Are you working on our goal of becoming healthy and wealthy with your jobs or businesses?
It is very easy to be poor, because nothing needs to be done. 99% of the people will die broke. Wealthy people are wealthy because they do things that make the wealthy.
Poor people are poor because the things that they are doing make them or keep them poor.
Most of us or all of us are either poor or not rich.
If we keep doing what we are doing, we will remain as we are,not rich or poor.
I do not like being poor, by the way.
I have been poor for 47 plus years and I hate it.
So I choose to make Vision For Life my way out of poverty. There are some other ways out there too.
The 5x5 plan will make a person wealthy only if they do it. It will not happen all by it's self.
If you want to be wealthy, you must give it all of the efforts you can, or it just will not happen.
Thinking, wishing. hoping and dreaming of being wealthy is not good enough.
You must take action.
Vision For Life has a one year membership, and that is enough time for you to build your 5x5 and become wealthy.
I can tell you what to do to be successful, and I can ask you to do things that will make you wealthy, but it is up to you to do it.
If I say tell everybody you know about our business, and you do not, how do you think that you will ever be wealthy?
If I say keep sending people to the website but you do not, How will you become successful?
If I say read my messages and forward them to your friends and family members, but you do not, How can you become successful?
If I say read my messages at Adlandpro and post a positive reply, but you do not, how can I help you become successful?
I asked for you to copy my messages and repost them as your own, but if you do not, how can I help you.
I want to help you, but if you can not do the simple things I ask, how can I help you succeed?
It is very hard to become wealthy if you never do anything that will make you wealthy.
You do not have to do anything to be poor or remain poor.
If you start doing all the positive things that I have asked, you will be doing something different then most people are dong, and you will start seeing positive success .
This is now September, and there are only 4 months left in this year. 8 months have come and gone and you can never get them back.
You can not change the past, but you can change the future.
I want to change the future.
There are allot of people in trouble nd nothing going on is helping to improve there lives that I can see..
As long as people live in poverty, are in debt, are poor or broke, they are in trouble.
As long as people suffer with high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes,, heart disease and obesity, they are in trouble .
There are over 200 diseases linked to poor nutrition, and that means people are not getting enough vitamins or minerals.
Now I want you to look in your mirrors and look your selves in your own eyes and ask yourself, have I done all that I can do to be successful with my business.
Everybody over age 18 knows over 1000 people.
Our 5x5 plans says everybody get just 5 people. Do you know 5 people who wants to be healthy and wealthy?
Don't you want all the people you care about, like or love to be healthy?
Helping them become healthy from using our products will help you to become wealthy.
You make money telling other people who then buy based on your endorsement.
If you never tell anyone, how much money will you make?
If you build your 5x5, you can make over $30,000 a month. But if you don't do anything, you will not make anything.
Not only in Vision For Life, but in any business.
It all depends on your motivation, commitment and your efforts.
If you never do anything, you will never make any money.
99% of the people will die broke because they are not doing anything to make them wealthy.
Talk is cheap, and action speaks louder then words.
If it took you a year to get your 5 people, and it took your people a year o get there 5, you will still see success.
If you got just one person each month, you still would have 12 people. What if everybody got 12 people each?
People are afraid of change, yet they say they want to be rich.
To become rich, you must change.
To make $30,000 per month, you must change.
Change your attitude, change your focus, change your goals, change your direction, change your mind.
If your are not wealthy now, that means everything you have done in the past have gotten to where you are right now.
Working a job, will never make us wealthy.
That is why most people live from paycheck to paycheck.
That is not enough to make us wealthy, and the boss will not pay you $30,000 per month or make you wealthy.
He will pay you just enough to keep you from quitting.
When you run out of money, you are forced to keep working .
Working a job does not give us residual royalty income.
We need a business to get that.
Building your 5x5 will set you and your children and grand children financially free.
You can not give your job to your kids or grandkids when you die, but you can leave them your business and your wealth.
If any of this makes sense, lets get together and build that 5x5.
God Bless

Remember my goal is to create healthy and wealthy people.
Together Let's Build a 5x5 Business that will pay you $40 then $200, then $1,000, then $5,000, and then $30,000 per month
Are you ready to retire young, healthy and wealthy?

You can be the youngest and oldest millionaire in your family

You want to be the youngest and oldest millionaire in your family

Some people just can not believe that they can make $30,000 a month.

Some people just can not believe that they can be healthy and wealthy.

99% of those people who did not believe have died and they died broke.

If you take proper care of your body, you might live to be a healthy 120.

If you want to be healthy and wealthy, you can be.

Are you just interested in making money, without being concerned about your health?

We live in a toxic and polluted world that is full of stress and calamity.

Just breathing the air and drinking the water is enough to send us all to early graves.

Would you take a bath in a muddy bath tub and expect to get clean?

Now add the stress we live under, add the fact we do not get enough sleep, we do not eat healthy and we do not get enough clean filtered water or proper nutrients into our bodies. We eat too much fast food and junk food. We need to detox.

Some of us are absolute sugar freaks.
Then others are on see food diets.
They eat everything they see.

All of the above causes our immune system to become weak making us vulnerable to germs, bacteria, viruses, molds, fungus, free radicals that cause cancers and over 200 other sicknesses and diseases.

The healthier you are, the longer you live.

We want everybody to live to be a healthy 120 years or more.

Imagine living to see the next 80 Super Bowls, World Series, Final Fours, NBA Championships, Olympics or whatever events you love.

The people in the cemetary do not get to watch or do anything.
They just lay perfectly still, unable to see, hear, speak or move.

Why do anything that is going to send you there for what could be a thousand years or more?

For $25 you can join an opportunity to get the products needed to help build up your body and your health, so you have the opportunity to see your 120th birthday.

We can show you how helping others do the same, you can generate great wealth.

Look back at all of my previous messages for more details.

I spent 13 plus years getting shocked by electricity, getting my hands, feet and ears frozen in the frigid cold weather, had my head hit by objects and fried by the hot sun, got soaked to my underware in the pouring rain, went years with little sleep or rest. Saw several horrible car crashes that made me into a nervous wreck.

Compared to all this I did as an electronics technician fixing traffic signals, I think I can find 5 people and teach them to get 5 people and show everybody how to sell or buy 3000 points or about $500 worth of products.

Did I mention that I also used to be a medic in the military, working with sick and dying people?

I now want to fix people who are broke and sick.

I am looking for people who like me, think that this is important.

What good is it to make a million dollars one day, then drop dead the next day from a disease?

Here is my site, please check it out, and think about all I have said.

You can be healthy and wealthy.

You have the potential to make $30,000 a month


Hello to you who want to go college and to those who know others seeking financial resources to attend a university.

Everybody seeking higher education, should be allowed to go with no financial restrictions.

Allot of people never go because they can not get a grant, loan or scholarships.

Some people are from families that can not afford to send them.

Then there are people who have to drop out when their money runs out.

There are many people who attend college, but leave it deep in debt owing thousands of dollars on student loans.

Yes your chances for finding a good high income job is better with a college degree, and anyone who seeks a degree should be able to.

If you do not have a college degree, many companies will never hire you.

There are allot of people looking for work and competing for the same limited few number of jobs.

There are not enough jobs for everyone.

Everybody can not go to college.
College is expensive and out of reach for most people.

Well we want you to go to college and we can show you how to help others go.

August is next month and it is back to school time.

Do you want to go to college?

Look here at my site and recognize this as a vehicle to help you get to college.

$25 is all you need to get started and the passion to succeed and help others.

Join and introduce 5 others who seek financial freedom.

Build a network of people doing the same. You will be a wellness product endorser. Everybody getting 5 others and you will have team that will help you get to college or retire.
Everyone on your team needs to work toward getting 3,000 personal points in the sale of our super wellness products.
These are great tasting products they provides all the vital nutrients we need to stay healthy.

You can become wealthy helping people stay healthy.

Here is the potential.

You 3000 points
5=$40 a month
5x3000= 15,000 points $100

25=$200 a month
25x3000=75,000 pts $700

125=$1000 a month
125x3000=375,000 pts $3500

625=$5,000 a month
625x3000= 1,875,000 pts

3125=$30,000 a month
3125x3000=9,375,000 pts

There are 5 more levels

9,000 points=$100
24,000 points=$100
50,000 points=$300

50,000 points =$500
Everytime you collect 50,000 points you make $500, which is one cycle

Everybody gets 3 business centers that track your points each day.

So if you build this 5x5 which is really a 5x10, and everybody gets 3000 personal points, you will get so many points that your 3 centers will cycle daily.

All 3 centers can pay out up to $500 a day, that is $1,500 per day, 6 days a week. Now that is $9,000 a week, $36,000 a month, $420,000 a year.

Can $30,000 a month pay for your college, new house, new car, early retirement?
You will be wealthy if you do this, so why wouldn't anyone do this?

Build a 5x5 business with everybody getting 5 people to join and everybody getting 3,000 points.

You can get started for just $25.

How bad do you want to go to college?

How bad do you want to get out of debt?

You can be financially free if you follow our plan.

We want everybody to be healthy and wealthy.

Why wait for a job offer that may never come, work from home

This is how you can make $30k per month from home
Hello Everyone, We want to help you all make $30,000 per month or more from home with your own health and wellness business. I am doing all I can to make sure everybody understands this and why it is so important to get their 5 to 10 frontline people erolled into this $25 program.

The plan is to get 5 and help them get 5. Then you will be ready to make $200 a month when those 30 people are on autoship, and you will be getting your products now for free.
You might think $40 or even $200 a month is no money, but let me ask you this.

Are you earning an extra $40 or $200 a month now from your checking or savings accounts?

This is what I am trying hard to get everyone to understand.
Goal number 2 is for everyone to get 3,000 personal points from product sells or purchases.
There are packages that will give you 3,000 points or more when you buy or sell them to others.
Most people work there way up to 3,000 points. You only need 3,000 personal points, and that activates all 3 of your business pay centers. Each business center will you pay up to $500 per day, 6 days a week. If you activate all 3, then you have the opportunity to make 3 x $500 or $1,500 per day, 6 days a week.
If you get to this point, you will make $9,000 per week and $36,000 a month. A total of $420,000 per year.

Are you interested yet?
I want everyone to know this.
You must get those 5 people and help them get 5, then watch what will happen next. Show those 30 people how to get 3,000 points each.
When your 30 people get their 3,000
personal points, that will add to your 3,000 points for a total of 93,000 group points. With every 50,000 points you cycle and make $500, so you would earn $700 from the action of your team to this point.

Remember This.

9000 points=$100
24,000 points= $100
50,000 points= $300
This is one cycle

Do you understand the 5x5 plan, I talk about it all the time, but I am not sure if everyone really understands it.


Everybody getting 3000 points

3125= 9,405,000
Infinity deep
All points flow up

Your team points will grow like the above if everyone got 5 people and everybody got 3,000 points
All points flow up, so as the people in the bottom get points, everybody in the upline with at least 1,000 points will also pick up the same points.
If you activate all 3 business centers, all 3 centers will pick up points.
Everybody gets 3 business centers that count your points everyday.

Everytime your center, picks up
9,000 points, you make $100.
When it hits 24,000, you get another $100. Then when it hits 50,000 points, you make $300, then your center zeros and starts counting points again.
Each center can only pay $500 a day.
So you can make $1,500 a day 6 days a week.
This is on top of the monthly plan.
When you build the 5x5 and everybody is also on the monthly autoship, they are paying $100 a month to get 3 bottles of product. Usually the Power of 3.
You will earn $40 a month from your 5.
You will earn $200 a month from 30 people on levels 1 and 2.
You will earn $1,000 a month from your 3 levels
You will earn $5,000 a month from your 4 levels.
You will earn $30,000 a month from your 5 levels.
There are 5 more levels you will get paid from.
Sky's the limit on how much you can make.

All this is if everybody did just one autoship. If everybody were on 2 autoships,then your money would double to $60,000 a month on level 5.
If everyone did 3 autoships, you would then make $90,000 a month on level 3.
I want everyone to understand this. This is real.
I feel like many people do not understand any of this or can not believe this.
We want you to understand it and do it. We want everybody to be healthy and wealthy, not just the big shots at the top who join first or who can recruit the most people.

Everybody can get 5 here.
We are here to help everybody get those 5.
If you have people who you want us to contact, we will. Just give us their information.
If you are not able to find people yourself, you can give us $25 for every person you want us to enroll for you. So if you give us $125, we will find 5 people who want to join, and put them in for you with you as the sponsor and enroller.
This way you are becoming a philanthropist now and investing in people. The more people you invest in, the more money you can make.
You can even cover your people autoships as a philanthropists gesture.
So you can give autoship credit to your 5 people if they can not get on autoship. You get the products and you can do what you want with them, but your 5 will get the credit, there fore helping the to make money and you make money.
This will help motivate them to work the business and bring in people.
The money they make can be used to pay for others to join under them,or cover their own autoships or that of others.
There are so many ways we can make this work.
We just have to do it.
No do you want to do it?

They say 97% of the people you know will die broke, because they fail to take action when an opportunity comes their way.
Too many people get let behind and let once in a lifetime opportunities pass them by.
Don't let this opportunity pass you by.

Anyway, please do not be a stranger. If you want to pay for 5 people, let me know.
If you want to enroll them with our help, let me know. If you have the power to do it yourself, and I know most of you do, go for it.

I hate letting opportunities slip away from me or anyone else.
No more if I could have, would have, should haves here.
If you are not a member but are now ready to join, Here is my site

It only costs $25 to join

If you have a business you think is super hot and it is really working out, then we want to know what it is.

Tell us about it here.
God Bless

You Can Get Wealthy When you Help Others Get Healthy

Good News...Get Wealthy Helping Others
Good News
Hello Everyone,, How are you?
I hope that you are in good health and all is going well.
It is my opinion that getting out of debt and poverty by working a job
for 40 years is too slow and I want to speed things along.
I am trying to get everybody see how easy it is or each of us to make
$30,000 a month from from with our business, but I don't many people
really believe this.
Their continued lack of action is a sign that they are in disbelief.
Well I do believe 100% and I want to prove it.
I have been getting a check every month now for 67 consecutive months
from Vision For Life.
I also believe that the products are great and they work.
I have been using them now for 5 years.
Now I want to help you all great the benefits of this great opportunity.
It is a known fact that most people are negative in their thinking and
99% of them will die broke.
That is allot of people.
We want to reverse those numbers.
It only costs $25 to join Vision For life and the monthly autoship is
only $90 plus tax and shipping, about $3.00 a day.
Most people spend well more then that everyday on junk food and other
things that do not need.
It is what we do that determines our future and destiny.
I want to help you get to $30,000 per month income.
If you are willing,to join us
Then if you want to speed your business along, I would like for you to
make a $125 investment on the enrollment of your 5 brand new people.
In other words, if you give me $125, I will find your 5 people and put
them in for you.
They will be your frontline people in the 5x5..
Even if you gave $25 a month for 5 months, you will have your 5 people.
It is very important to get your 5 for the 5x5 plan to work.
I am willing to help you find your 5, and if you don't have time or just
are not able to get 5 on your own, then if you provide the $25 entry
fee, I will get you your 5.
Now If your 5 do the same and invest $125 each, I will help them get
their 5.
Well that would give you 30 people in your 5x5 so far, and when these 30
are on auto ship, you will earn $200 per month.
You will have made your $125 back.
Does this make sense?
I have been thinking about this for a few weeks now.
Now if you already have a few people on your frontline on autoship, and
you only want 5, then you can pay for the remaining spots .
We want everybody to have their 5.
This plan is for those who simply can not get 5 on their own.
If you are a mlm veteran, you should already know how to get your
But we will help anyone.
This is monthly residual income. As long as you stay on autoship each
month, you will keep getting paid.
Again, I have stayed on autoship now for 67 straight months and I have
been getting residual checks every month.
Here again is the 5x5 chart
1. 5=$40 a month
2. 25=$200 a month
3. 125=$1,000 a month
4. 625=$5,000 a month
5. 3125 =$30,000 a month
If we all get our 5 we can make this money.
If you really want to make it work even faster, you could invest in the
people in your downline, by helping them pay for their 5.
When you are making $5,000 a month or $30,000 a month, you will get your
money back.
Paying for 5 people costs $125
Paying for 25 people will cost $625
If you can afford to do this, you should.
You could wait until you are a millionaire then donate mega bucks to
charities, or you could donate it now to help your business grow and
help your downline.
If everybody is making at least $1,000 per month in our 5x5, we will
have no trouble finding new people willing to pay $25 to join.
Do you agree?
If we work together and we get you to $1,000 a month, you should have no
trouble getting others to join.
I want everybody to see this.
I believe focused work on building the 5x5 will do it for us all.
Think about this. If you get your 5 and they each build their own 5x5
and are making $30,000 per month, how much will you make?
I figured 5x$30,000 or $150,000 per month.
Sky's the limit.
Please let me know if this makes sense and let me know if you want to do
Of course you can just recruit people who are willing to join for $25,
$150, or more.
That would be even better.
There are people out there who can afford the $150, $300, $500 and $900
If you build the 5x5 you will reach everyone eventually.
Remember the 6 degrees of separation.
I really want to make this work and I will not stop promoting it.
When you are making $30,000 a month from home, you will be glad that I
never gave up on you.
I know how hard times are, trust me.
I am driven to do this by all that has gone on in my life.
Maybe someday you will understand my passion.
I am asking you, will you provide the $25 to pay for each of your 5 new
If you get your investment to me, I will go to work and start signing up
your people.
You can call me at 816-806-4912 and we can discuss your game plan.
God Bless
Tony King

Which Do You Prefer $1,500 a day or $30,000 a Month?

Which do you prefer $1,500 per day or $30,000 per month?
You can have $1,500 per day and $30,000 per month, and the best health you can imagine.

Hello Everbody, How are you?
How are you doing with your business and your health?

Honestly many people are doing different business opportunies, that are not my thing and I just don't trust the whole lot of them anymore. But I do not condemn others, I try to help others.

I am a victim of some flacky shakey businesses that flopped and some of you all have too, so I stay away from most as much as possible.

When you have debt, low or no income, financial problems making you insane, people become despirate sometimes and can get taken by people and programs that are destined to flop.

I know what they are doing to the public.
Allot of stress, financial problems, family problems
which all can lead to mental problems and health problems and even to drugs or crime for some weaker people unable to cope.

I did telecommunications for 6 years and I learned allot and meet allot of great people along the way.

After working 30 years, 24 as an electronics technician I learned the hard way that my health is more important than anything else after God of course.

So after years of suffering from several terrible health problems, I had to switch my direction.

I joined a health and wellness company called Vision For Life after I was introduced by a good friend in Ohio.

I started using the products and my health improved drasticaly.

Now I think it is very important to warn others.

I was busy promoting everything else and ignoring my health.

I was a medic in the military for 2 years by the way.

Anyway, if you want to protect your health my friend please do not ignor your health.

Help your friends and family as well.

If you know anyone who is obese or fat, over weight, in pain, just suffering with health problems that linger no matter what.

You really should refer them to our company and products. I swear by them and many other people do too.

If nothing else try them for yourself, and if you feel as good about them as I do, you will want everybody you know to be on them.

We are talking bout protecting your health and the health of the people you know and care about.

If you help them feel better, and ease their pain an suffering, they
will listen to you and
take your advice in other matters.

Perhaps you are doing other businesses, but all of your customers and partners are sick with disease. They are at risk of early death.

That is not going to do your business any good if all your partners or customers die. Think about it.

If somebody is spending all of their time and money taking drugs and in the hospital because of sickness and disease, they will not be very good in helping you succeed in your business. Think about it.

If you get sick, you will be in the same situation as them, and as a result, your business could fail if you are too sick to do anything.

I am a witness to that. Been there done that.
I used to be a public speaker, doing several business presentations, but had to stop completely when I got very sick and it lasted for several years.

So now I warn others, and I am warning you.

Not all health products do what they say. Do your own research.

I highly recommend that you give my products a try. There is a 90 money back gaurantee.

If and when you feel good about them, you will know what you need to do.

It was my pain and suffering and the products that forced me to open my eyes and put my health first.

We can chat about it if you want to.
My Yahoo ID is

My MSN is IM

I am in touch with the company founder and he has been to my city to do presentations for me several times.
His son is also the ceo/president of the company and he has been here 3 times.

Here is my website for you to check out the company, the products, and the compensation plan.

The company is saying that if you build a 5x5 you will make $30,000 per month.
I am just repeating what the company is saying.

If you go back and read all of my ads and messages, you will see all that I amsaying is true.
I have placed several messages online over the last 5 years about this matter, many are still out there.

This is not just any regular business opportunity.

It is an opportunity to be healthy and help others become healthy, and at the same time you have the opportunity to become very wealthy and help people do that too.

Everything that every human being should want and need.

So please get back with me so we can discuss this further.

I know some people are already doing wellness opportunities that may or may not get them where they want to be.

If you are 100% satisfied with what you are doing, I say great.
If what you are doing is only helping you become wealthy, but everybody else is not doing well, You should consider helping others succeed as well.

We are here to help each other.

I want to help as many people as I can become health and wealthy.
And I want those people to help others do the same.

God Bless

How to Make $30,000 a Month

How to make $30,000 a Month
Do you want to be healthy and wealthy?

Trade your Junk Food , Fast Food and Dead food for Super Healthy Food and you can make more then $30,000 per month using your endorsement power.
Our plan is so simple and the faster you work it the more money you can make.

Some people can not believe they can make $30,000 per month. Why?

I hope you are not one of them.

Would you believe it if I told you that you can also make another $1,500 per day?

Now what if your boss or your present job told you that they would pay you $1,500 per day and an additional $30,000 per month if you help them find 5 new employees to work there and those 5 new employees also had to do the same thing through 5 levels or generations, Would you, could you do it? Why not?

Will they ever pay you $30,000 per month or $1,500 a day to work for them? I seriously doubt it.

We are asking you to do the very same thing, but you do not have to get out of bed 5 days a week and work 40 hours. You are the boss or ceo here. The sky's the limit on your income.

Most people do their 9 to 5 jobs for 30 to 50 years, and never become wealthy or get out of debt. Most go deeper and deeper into debt. Why?

If you are willing to join our membership for as low as $25, get 5 people to join, help your 5 get 5,
start trading your junk food habits
for our health and wellness super foods, spend $3.00 a day and build your 5x5 network, then in 6 to 12 months or less you could be making over $30,000 per month.

Would you agree that doing this in a year and making $30,000 a month from your home business is better then working a job for 40 years and never making more then $30,000 or $40,000 per year? If you lose your health, you might not make it that far.

This is what most people are doing and will continue to do. Why?

97% to 99% of the people who work 40 plus years on the job die broke.
It's a fact. Will you do that too?

Most business opportunities that come up are here today and gone tomorrow. Most never last more then a few years. Most never do what they say, and the people who join, never make the money they are promised. It can be very stressful and depressing. Financial difficulties and even bankruptcy can result.

Have you ever joined a business opportunity that let you down or ripped you off? Most of us have.

Deep down inside you knew in your heart that it was not going to work, but you took a chance and joined it anyway. Well?

Many people stick at least $100 per month into a savings, checking or christmas club accounts, or maybe you buy savings bonds, cd, stocks or bonds every month. Are you?

Most people waste more then $100 per month or $1200 a year eating junk food that actually is making them sick and fat.
This is not a good thing.

There are too many sick people and too many people getting fat.

It did not use to be like this. What in the world is going on?

I hope that you are not sick or fat, and I hope that you are not wasting $1200 a year eating junk and dead food. Most people are.
It is a habit or tradition. It's just what they do.

We want to show you how changing this habit can make you wealthy and healthy.

Spend $3.00 per day eating super food, build a 5x5 team of people doing the samething and make over $30,000 per month.

Is this plan simple enough?
Why then are we not following it?
Did I mention that it only costs $25 to join.

The same money you are putting into the bank each month or spending on junk food can go towards building your 5x5 team and pulling in more then $30,000 per month.

If you can find 5 people who want to be healthy and wealthy, you are almost there.
Help those 5 find 5 and you are well on your way.

As you reach levels 3, 4 and 5, in the 10 level plan, you will then realize that you should have been doing this all along. Everybody will.
We are talking about protecting your health and that means saving your life from sickness, disease and a possible early grave.

Why not give it a try? There is a 90 day money back guarantee on our products, and most are in the form a delicious juices and beverages that are easy to take and absorb.

For $3.00 a day, you can get over 180 vital nutrients, and your body will thank you and you will thank your body.

Many of the things we consume block us from getting our vital nutrients or deplete us of the ones we already have.

Most plants and animals will die without proper amounts of sunshine, water and nutrients or foods, so will YOU!

Here is my site where you can learn more about the company, the products and the compensation plans.

There are like 7 ways to make money with us.

You have health and wealth to gain and nothing to lose.

If you never join and never get these wonderful nutrients into your body and you never allow yourself the opportunity to make $30,000 per month, you stand to lose a whole lot.

Your body is starving for good nutrients everyday. If you let your body down now, your body will break down and let you down later.
Think about it.

Do you have any questions, fears or doubt? Just ask.

Most people will die broke, because they never took advantage of the opportunity to be healthy and wealthy.

Don't let anyone steal your dreams.

Well, here is your opportunity.