Saturday, March 7, 2009

Are You Ready For Another Spring?

Are you ready for another Spring?

Hello friends, Are you ready for another Spring?

How was Valentine's Day? Did you buy that special love gift for that special someone?

If not, why? Was it because of your financial situation and the lack of sufficient financial resources?
In other words you were too broke to buy what you really wanted.

How was your Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday?

It is Lent season again as we approach the Easter holiday once again. Wasn't it just Christmas?

How did your Christmas season go?
Did you fall deeper into debt this time?
Will you beable to retire yor debt this year?

Time is moving on and waits for no one.

What are you doing with your time?
Are you wasting time or are you doing something positive and productive with your time?

Daylight savings time is less then 3 weeks away and Spring is less then 4 weeks away.
It has been a very rough Winter so far this year.

Are you doing better then you were last year at this time or worse?

I am reaching out to see just how life is treating you.

If you have no problems and no troubles, then you are in a rare group.

Most people have something to worry or complain about.
How is your health and your body?
Are you happy with your body and weight?

Many things that can be resolved, but are not because of lack of awareness and lack of knowledge.
Knowlegde is power, and if you use it wisely, you can do great things.

Do you have a college degree or a high IQ?

How would you know how to read or write if you had never been taught?

To speak another language, you must be taught.

To learn how to be an electronics technician, you must be taught.
You also have to understand science, math and english.

I went to school in the military to become an electronics technician and it took a long time and the classes were often tough, but thank God I completed it.
Allot of people dropped out along the way.
I went on to work in electronics for 24 years.

Babies learn to talk when they hear other people talking.

If your kids hang around people who commit crimes, they will learn about commiting crime and might someday commit crime.

Unless they are taught otherwise.
Kids want to do what they see others do.

The kids today are in danger of falling into crime, drugs and premarital sex unless taught otherwise.

What are you teaching or telling your kids?

Every Spring neans high school proms and graduation.
Millions of more 17, 18 and 19 year old people will leave high school life and either go on the college life or attempt to enter the work force.

Some will join the armed forces and could end up going into the current wars overseas.

Some might die, while many more get wounded or become disabled. The fortunate ones are able to survive unharmed.

For those who end up unemployed or even homeless, we must give them hope of a better life.

These are our sons and daughter, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, uncles and aunts, neices and nephews,
grandsons and grandaughters, grandmothers and grandfathers, cousins, friends, and neighbors.

How do you really feel about the way things are going?
If you don't like what you see, and think things should be better, let me know what you want to see different.

Winter is half over, and Spring is right around the corner.
Are you ready?


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