Saturday, March 7, 2009

Financial Success and Freedom Awaits You

Financial Success and Freedom Awaits You!

Debt is like a disease that can destroy.

Many people are in debt, too many are on their way to bankruptcy or financial ruin.

Are you behind on your monthly bills?

Have you noticed that the price of gas continues to climb higher and higher?

Food and the cost of living also continues to climb along with gasoline prices.

These are things that we can not control.

Spending we do control however.

Have you ever did a budget just to inventory your spending?

Most people will find that they are wasting money.

Every year the value of the all mighty dollar decreases. This means it will take more money to buy the items you want.
Do you remember when bread was less then a dollar, and so was milk, cereal, candy, pop?
I remember gasoline being 69 cents a gallon back in 1984.
Now what is it? $2.79 a gallon for the cheap stuff.
Inflation will continue.

Now if you are living in debt, inflation will destroy you.
If your income does not increase, you will be in trouble.

If you fall behind on your monthly payments to credit card companies, you get punished with late fees, high interest rates, over limit fees, and God knows what all else.
They love for this to happen, because this is how they make there money of of us.

Some poor souls are having there paycheck garnished.

People lose their jobs or quit sometimes because of this heavy burden placed on their employers.

Employers hate too collect payments from it's employees for bill collectors.

Then there is child support and Alimony payments, and delinquint college loans.

All of the above can drive most people into an early grave.

People have killed themselves or other people because of stress brought on by debt.

Crime is connected to poverty and debt.

Not everyone in debt, living with bad credit or in poverty will commt crime, but some will.

One criminal is a danger and threat to all mankind.

Why not get to the root of the problem?

Get people out of debt!

When people get out of debt, they can improve their credit.
Sometimes bad credit can prevent you from getting a great job or career.

Knowledge is power, and using it wisely can carry you a very long way.

There are not enough jobs for every man and woman anyway.

Some jobs require special education, skills and trainings that many people just do not have.

So many high school graduates leave school each year lacking basic job skills.
They do not know what they want to do with their lives.

They are targets for the credit card companies and the fast cash loan companies.
Cellphone companies also can get you hooked on debt early.
Everybody thinks they must have a cellphone these days.

The utility companies are taking most of our money, then come the rest.

How much money are we keeping from our paychecks if we even have a job?

We do not save money, we make and spend it as fast as we get it.

We go into debt spending money we do not have.

Do you agree with any of this information?

I say there is a way to turn your situations around.

You must change the way you think.
What you have been taught up to now is why you are in the situations that you are in, with no way out.

Many people like to drink adult beverages, and allot like to have there cigarettes, others like their donuts, coffee, pop, candy, drugs, or whatever habits satisfy us.

It is these types of things that keep people trapped into their situations.

If you feel you must do or have these things , it will be very difficult to change your thinking.
Most of those previously mentioned things are mind altering. Some are extremely addictive.

Some people can't stop spending money or gambling.

It is hard to save money and spend money at the same time.

The key is to spend money on things that will make more money.

Invest your money wisely, and make your money work for you.

If you spend $3.00 every day on junk foods like so many people do, you are spending about $100 per month or more.
That is $1200 per year, and $36.000 in 30 years.
That is allot of money spent eating junk that can make you fat and even sick.
What if you had $36,000 in the bank?
50 years ago that was allot of money.
In 50 years $36,000 will seem like nothing because of inflation.

We need to change our spending habits yesterday.

Here is a plan.
Spend that $3.00 a day on protecting your health and future.

Build a network of people who want to do the same.
Here we will do 5 people.
Everyone will get 5 partners.
You will buy wellness products each month for $100, that is your investment.
You can use it for your own health, or sell it or give it to others.
Who ever uses it will benefit healthwise.

Everyone will do the same.

You earn income as a result of the business of promoting health.

From your intitial 5, you get $40 back.
Are you getting $40 from bank each month now?
If you put that $100 in the bank each month, you might get $4.00 if you are lucky.
The banks invest yur money to make more money for themselves.
We keep letting them do that every month. Why? We should invest ourselves.

Now your 5 get 5, so that you now have 25 people added to yor network.

They also spend $3.00 a day just like you did.
Now you get a percentage of they business. 8% or $6.40 or each person each month.
That will be 25x$6.40=$160
Now you are making $200 a month or $6.00 a day and your products are now free.

Can you see what is happening here?
You have created a successful business.
You are getting wellness products that are great, and you are getting them for free with a profit already.

Now help your 5 do the same.
When the 25 get 5, 5x25=125 new people in your network.

You will now earn 125x$6.40 for each person spending $3.00.
You will make $1,000 per month.

This is enough money to start paying down your bills and getting out of debt.

Help your network grow.
When the 125 people get 5, 125x5=625 new people in your network

Everyone has the same goals to spend $3.00 towards health and future wealth.

625x$6.40 You will make $5,000 per month
This will go towards getting out of your debt, and repairing your damaged credit.

Keep your business growing and bring in new partners. You don't hae to stop at 5, you can bring in 100, 1000.
The more people you bring in, the faster you will move and the more money you will make.

625x5=3,125 people x 10% or $8.00
You will make over $30,000 per month

You should be out of debt after this, if not you will soon be.

All you did was spend $25 to join.
Got 5 people to join.
Spent $100 each month on your wellness and future.
Those 5 got 5 who did the same through 5 levels and you could make $30,000 a month and escape debt and poverty.

The company is 8 years old and not going anywhere.

Why are you or anyone you know continuing to drown in endless debt or poverty, when there is a solution to your financial situations?

Change you mind, change your actions, change your life.

Let us show you the way.

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