Saturday, March 7, 2009

Don't You Want To Be Wealthy?

Do You Want To Be Wealthy, Yes or No?

Do You Want To Be Wealthy, Yes or No?
Hello everybody, How are you?
I hope you are in good health and all is going well in your life. Are you working on our goal of becoming healthy and wealthy with your jobs or businesses?
It is very easy to be poor, because nothing needs to be done. 99% of the people will die broke. Wealthy people are wealthy because they do things that make the wealthy.
Poor people are poor because the things that they are doing make them or keep them poor.
Most of us or all of us are either poor or not rich.
If we keep doing what we are doing, we will remain as we are,not rich or poor.
I do not like being poor, by the way.
I have been poor for 47 plus years and I hate it.
So I choose to make Vision For Life my way out of poverty. There are some other ways out there too.
The 5x5 plan will make a person wealthy only if they do it. It will not happen all by it's self.
If you want to be wealthy, you must give it all of the efforts you can, or it just will not happen.
Thinking, wishing. hoping and dreaming of being wealthy is not good enough.
You must take action.
Vision For Life has a one year membership, and that is enough time for you to build your 5x5 and become wealthy.
I can tell you what to do to be successful, and I can ask you to do things that will make you wealthy, but it is up to you to do it.
If I say tell everybody you know about our business, and you do not, how do you think that you will ever be wealthy?
If I say keep sending people to the website but you do not, How will you become successful?
If I say read my messages and forward them to your friends and family members, but you do not, How can you become successful?
If I say read my messages at Adlandpro and post a positive reply, but you do not, how can I help you become successful?
I asked for you to copy my messages and repost them as your own, but if you do not, how can I help you.
I want to help you, but if you can not do the simple things I ask, how can I help you succeed?
It is very hard to become wealthy if you never do anything that will make you wealthy.
You do not have to do anything to be poor or remain poor.
If you start doing all the positive things that I have asked, you will be doing something different then most people are dong, and you will start seeing positive success .
This is now September, and there are only 4 months left in this year. 8 months have come and gone and you can never get them back.
You can not change the past, but you can change the future.
I want to change the future.
There are allot of people in trouble nd nothing going on is helping to improve there lives that I can see..
As long as people live in poverty, are in debt, are poor or broke, they are in trouble.
As long as people suffer with high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes,, heart disease and obesity, they are in trouble .
There are over 200 diseases linked to poor nutrition, and that means people are not getting enough vitamins or minerals.
Now I want you to look in your mirrors and look your selves in your own eyes and ask yourself, have I done all that I can do to be successful with my business.
Everybody over age 18 knows over 1000 people.
Our 5x5 plans says everybody get just 5 people. Do you know 5 people who wants to be healthy and wealthy?
Don't you want all the people you care about, like or love to be healthy?
Helping them become healthy from using our products will help you to become wealthy.
You make money telling other people who then buy based on your endorsement.
If you never tell anyone, how much money will you make?
If you build your 5x5, you can make over $30,000 a month. But if you don't do anything, you will not make anything.
Not only in Vision For Life, but in any business.
It all depends on your motivation, commitment and your efforts.
If you never do anything, you will never make any money.
99% of the people will die broke because they are not doing anything to make them wealthy.
Talk is cheap, and action speaks louder then words.
If it took you a year to get your 5 people, and it took your people a year o get there 5, you will still see success.
If you got just one person each month, you still would have 12 people. What if everybody got 12 people each?
People are afraid of change, yet they say they want to be rich.
To become rich, you must change.
To make $30,000 per month, you must change.
Change your attitude, change your focus, change your goals, change your direction, change your mind.
If your are not wealthy now, that means everything you have done in the past have gotten to where you are right now.
Working a job, will never make us wealthy.
That is why most people live from paycheck to paycheck.
That is not enough to make us wealthy, and the boss will not pay you $30,000 per month or make you wealthy.
He will pay you just enough to keep you from quitting.
When you run out of money, you are forced to keep working .
Working a job does not give us residual royalty income.
We need a business to get that.
Building your 5x5 will set you and your children and grand children financially free.
You can not give your job to your kids or grandkids when you die, but you can leave them your business and your wealth.
If any of this makes sense, lets get together and build that 5x5.
God Bless

Remember my goal is to create healthy and wealthy people.
Together Let's Build a 5x5 Business that will pay you $40 then $200, then $1,000, then $5,000, and then $30,000 per month
Are you ready to retire young, healthy and wealthy?

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