Saturday, March 7, 2009

How to Make $30,000 a Month

How to make $30,000 a Month
Do you want to be healthy and wealthy?

Trade your Junk Food , Fast Food and Dead food for Super Healthy Food and you can make more then $30,000 per month using your endorsement power.
Our plan is so simple and the faster you work it the more money you can make.

Some people can not believe they can make $30,000 per month. Why?

I hope you are not one of them.

Would you believe it if I told you that you can also make another $1,500 per day?

Now what if your boss or your present job told you that they would pay you $1,500 per day and an additional $30,000 per month if you help them find 5 new employees to work there and those 5 new employees also had to do the same thing through 5 levels or generations, Would you, could you do it? Why not?

Will they ever pay you $30,000 per month or $1,500 a day to work for them? I seriously doubt it.

We are asking you to do the very same thing, but you do not have to get out of bed 5 days a week and work 40 hours. You are the boss or ceo here. The sky's the limit on your income.

Most people do their 9 to 5 jobs for 30 to 50 years, and never become wealthy or get out of debt. Most go deeper and deeper into debt. Why?

If you are willing to join our membership for as low as $25, get 5 people to join, help your 5 get 5,
start trading your junk food habits
for our health and wellness super foods, spend $3.00 a day and build your 5x5 network, then in 6 to 12 months or less you could be making over $30,000 per month.

Would you agree that doing this in a year and making $30,000 a month from your home business is better then working a job for 40 years and never making more then $30,000 or $40,000 per year? If you lose your health, you might not make it that far.

This is what most people are doing and will continue to do. Why?

97% to 99% of the people who work 40 plus years on the job die broke.
It's a fact. Will you do that too?

Most business opportunities that come up are here today and gone tomorrow. Most never last more then a few years. Most never do what they say, and the people who join, never make the money they are promised. It can be very stressful and depressing. Financial difficulties and even bankruptcy can result.

Have you ever joined a business opportunity that let you down or ripped you off? Most of us have.

Deep down inside you knew in your heart that it was not going to work, but you took a chance and joined it anyway. Well?

Many people stick at least $100 per month into a savings, checking or christmas club accounts, or maybe you buy savings bonds, cd, stocks or bonds every month. Are you?

Most people waste more then $100 per month or $1200 a year eating junk food that actually is making them sick and fat.
This is not a good thing.

There are too many sick people and too many people getting fat.

It did not use to be like this. What in the world is going on?

I hope that you are not sick or fat, and I hope that you are not wasting $1200 a year eating junk and dead food. Most people are.
It is a habit or tradition. It's just what they do.

We want to show you how changing this habit can make you wealthy and healthy.

Spend $3.00 per day eating super food, build a 5x5 team of people doing the samething and make over $30,000 per month.

Is this plan simple enough?
Why then are we not following it?
Did I mention that it only costs $25 to join.

The same money you are putting into the bank each month or spending on junk food can go towards building your 5x5 team and pulling in more then $30,000 per month.

If you can find 5 people who want to be healthy and wealthy, you are almost there.
Help those 5 find 5 and you are well on your way.

As you reach levels 3, 4 and 5, in the 10 level plan, you will then realize that you should have been doing this all along. Everybody will.
We are talking about protecting your health and that means saving your life from sickness, disease and a possible early grave.

Why not give it a try? There is a 90 day money back guarantee on our products, and most are in the form a delicious juices and beverages that are easy to take and absorb.

For $3.00 a day, you can get over 180 vital nutrients, and your body will thank you and you will thank your body.

Many of the things we consume block us from getting our vital nutrients or deplete us of the ones we already have.

Most plants and animals will die without proper amounts of sunshine, water and nutrients or foods, so will YOU!

Here is my site where you can learn more about the company, the products and the compensation plans.

There are like 7 ways to make money with us.

You have health and wealth to gain and nothing to lose.

If you never join and never get these wonderful nutrients into your body and you never allow yourself the opportunity to make $30,000 per month, you stand to lose a whole lot.

Your body is starving for good nutrients everyday. If you let your body down now, your body will break down and let you down later.
Think about it.

Do you have any questions, fears or doubt? Just ask.

Most people will die broke, because they never took advantage of the opportunity to be healthy and wealthy.

Don't let anyone steal your dreams.

Well, here is your opportunity.

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