Saturday, March 7, 2009

You can be the youngest and oldest millionaire in your family

You want to be the youngest and oldest millionaire in your family

Some people just can not believe that they can make $30,000 a month.

Some people just can not believe that they can be healthy and wealthy.

99% of those people who did not believe have died and they died broke.

If you take proper care of your body, you might live to be a healthy 120.

If you want to be healthy and wealthy, you can be.

Are you just interested in making money, without being concerned about your health?

We live in a toxic and polluted world that is full of stress and calamity.

Just breathing the air and drinking the water is enough to send us all to early graves.

Would you take a bath in a muddy bath tub and expect to get clean?

Now add the stress we live under, add the fact we do not get enough sleep, we do not eat healthy and we do not get enough clean filtered water or proper nutrients into our bodies. We eat too much fast food and junk food. We need to detox.

Some of us are absolute sugar freaks.
Then others are on see food diets.
They eat everything they see.

All of the above causes our immune system to become weak making us vulnerable to germs, bacteria, viruses, molds, fungus, free radicals that cause cancers and over 200 other sicknesses and diseases.

The healthier you are, the longer you live.

We want everybody to live to be a healthy 120 years or more.

Imagine living to see the next 80 Super Bowls, World Series, Final Fours, NBA Championships, Olympics or whatever events you love.

The people in the cemetary do not get to watch or do anything.
They just lay perfectly still, unable to see, hear, speak or move.

Why do anything that is going to send you there for what could be a thousand years or more?

For $25 you can join an opportunity to get the products needed to help build up your body and your health, so you have the opportunity to see your 120th birthday.

We can show you how helping others do the same, you can generate great wealth.

Look back at all of my previous messages for more details.

I spent 13 plus years getting shocked by electricity, getting my hands, feet and ears frozen in the frigid cold weather, had my head hit by objects and fried by the hot sun, got soaked to my underware in the pouring rain, went years with little sleep or rest. Saw several horrible car crashes that made me into a nervous wreck.

Compared to all this I did as an electronics technician fixing traffic signals, I think I can find 5 people and teach them to get 5 people and show everybody how to sell or buy 3000 points or about $500 worth of products.

Did I mention that I also used to be a medic in the military, working with sick and dying people?

I now want to fix people who are broke and sick.

I am looking for people who like me, think that this is important.

What good is it to make a million dollars one day, then drop dead the next day from a disease?

Here is my site, please check it out, and think about all I have said.

You can be healthy and wealthy.

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